Wild buffalo walking through magical light created naturally by the sun.
This wasn't done in a photo editing program like Photoshop. This was done by the position and angle of my camera to to sun. Catching the bull buffalo as he walked through the last few moments of the light before he disappears into the dark shadows by shooting into the sun as it was sinking behind the mountain. This is called lens flare and creates the magic you see in this image!
Some will love it, others will not. Lens flare has it's place in artistic photography. One of the things I enjoy about "playing" with my cameras! Finding ways to create unique images with what nature gives me to work with!
Cat ~
Cat, it is amazing! You have found your true calling but I am so happy God had our paths cross along the journey. I love you, dear fried.
BeaUtifUl work Cat!
Beautiful as always
Magical capture! ❤️
Glorious Shot!